

MANSORY迈莎锐 劳斯莱斯古思特 新车发售

MANSORY Rolls Royce Ghost .迈莎锐版劳斯莱斯古思特新车发售!...

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MANSORY 迈莎锐 宾利飞驰 定制款

MANSORY 迈莎锐 宾利飞驰 定制款。...

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MANSORY保时捷911 (992)车型上市

MANSORY presents its customisation programme for the Porsche 911 (992) Turbo and Turbo S, offering a completely newly developed customisation programme for the Porsche 911 (992) top model. For further details stay excited.

MANSORY推出了保时捷911 (992)Turbo和T...

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全球限量1台 MANSORY G63 P850

One of one, the MANSORY P850 Algorithmic Fade.这是一款完全个性化定制的的车型,基于MANSORY的“Bespoke”(订做)模式;基于梅赛德斯·奔驰G63的完全定制升级,碳纤维应用为“锻造碳”,全皮内饰采用"Feroza" (译者注:(费罗扎:一种绿色的宝石)配色,之前该内饰配色同样在MANSORY的新添越中应用过);匹配最大马力850匹,峰值扭矩1000牛米,零百提速3.5秒,最高限速250公里/小时。


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MANSORY 迈莎锐 G63 P900 高定版

The MANSORY P900 comes in an exclusive black matte with orange sparkle paint with shiny orange accents which retrieves at the interior as well in it‘s two tone sheme.

Performance numbers are increased up to 900hp, 1.200 Nm torque.


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MANSORY 宾利 添越 高定版


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