MANSORY 奔驰 Smart Fortwo 敞篷版


MANSORY presents the first refinement programme for the Smart Fortwo Cabrio。

Optimisation of the 3 -cylinder, 0.9 litre turbo unit increases engine performance from 66kW/90PS to up to 92kW/125PS. At the same time, torque increases to an impressive 200 Nm (standard is 135 Nm).

这是迈莎锐提供的Smart Fortwo敞篷版车型。全车采用独特的空气动力学套件,可选17寸或18寸的锻造轮毂;同时,发动机性能已经从66kw/90ps提高到92kw/125ps,扭矩增加到200Nm(标准扭矩135Nm)。

上一篇:MANSORY迈莎锐 兰博基尼 URUS 定制版
