MANSORY X PHILIPP PLEIN在梅赛德斯-奔驰G级的基础上推出了“星际骑兵皮卡”,只有很少的人能够使用这种独特的车辆,而这种高贵的越野车在全球范围内仅限进行7次改装。灰色迷彩漆,特殊迷彩碳纤维漆,功率在3.5秒内增加到850PS和1.000Nm,0-100km / h。
MANSORY X PHILIPP PLEIN present the “Star Trooper Pickup" on the basis of the Mercedes-Benz G-Class. Only very few people will be able to enjoy this unique vehicle, the noble off-road vehicle is limited to only 7 conversions worldwide. Complete paint in Grey Camouflage, special Camouflage carbon fibre,power increase to 850PS and 1.000Nm, 0-100km/h in 3.5s.